Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Modest Dressing among the Saint

The Bible's rules about dress cannot be applied directly to today's situation. Attending church in a cloak, tunic, sandals and a turban or veil would cause quite a disruption in most churches! But the general principles of modesty and propriety can be applied. We should dress for public worship in a way that is generally considered appropriate. Standards of dress change over time and are different from church to church, but we should avoid any style of dress that is offensive or sends a message opposing the church community. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) (1 Peter 3:3-4)
Scripture singles out women as dressing modestly because of the enticing sway that women naturally have over men. But the principle of modesty pertains to both sexes. Both men and women must use discretion today in the matter of outward apparel. This verse covers the issue of women dressing modestly when saying, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.” The adjective “modest” means to be dressed in an orderly and well-arranged fashion. The opposite of this word would mean to be dressed in a chaotic fashion that is unbecoming to a woman. We would say that a woman should dress in good taste. The well-grooming of a woman should never violate a proper sense of modesty.
The word translated “modest” (1 Tim. 2:9) simply means that woman’s clothing should be “decent and orderly.” The woman’s wardrobe should be filled with clothing that does not expose her body and which represent her as a woman of virtue instead of vice.

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