Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Should I Set A Goal?

A few years ago I started meeting with people with a different questions on their lip which narrow down on “Why Should I Set A Goal”. I think everyone is trying to look for some guide lines on how to be successful in a few particular area(s) of life. A friend of mine was with his other friend and I jumped at the chance of meeting with the person – hoping to glean something from him to help me in some of the more frustrating areas of my life. Read more.....

 After a year of trying and failing, I began to lose hope. What was so frustrating to me was that I knew I had certain gifting and skill sets, but in the job I had, they were completely unnecessary and even looked down upon.

Looking back on the whole experience and what we talked about, it is clear that God actually spared us all– because had we got the promotions that we wanted, we likely wouldn’t have had the motivation to take the leap to start our own business. It was the desperation and the thought of having to spend another 20-30 years in a job we hated that made it pretty easy to embrace the “risk” of starting in the first place. 

Now here is a big question:“What do you want?”. Am pretty sure you are already doing some calculation about a lot of things that you didn’t want in life, like low-paying job, a dead-end career path, were all at the top of your  list, but you hadn’t really spent much time thinking about things you want personate.

Here come “Self Determination”

Once you able to decide on specific things that you wanted in life (particularly in the next 5 years) by writing them then down (Habakkuk 2):; this list is will be your perhaps 5-year goals became.
At the time writing them, remember we serve the God that can make all impossible possible meaning He can all things. Now take gleam at the transformation that took place in Joseph’s life, Believe then that God could cause you to reach those goals though it seemed like it wouldn’t be the same caliber of miracle as it was for Joseph; you just  believe.

If you really believe that God will do the unspeakable and the unthinkable in your life starting from now, take a bold step by repeating what Habakkuk 2:2 says (write the vision down), then back it up with the heavenly currency (faith) coupled with prayer and fast, I tell you sooner than later testimony will begin to unfold. Stay connected to God. God bless you.

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